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The War Behind Closed Doors Produced and directed by Michael Kirk Co-Producer Jim Gilmore Written by Michael Kirk Pres. BUSH: [January 28, 2003] Trusting in the sanity and restraint of Saddam Hussein is not a strategy, and it is not an option! ANNOUNCER: Last month, a group of close advisers were waiting to see how Congress and the world would respond to the president's case for war. Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary Apk Free Download on this page.

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BUSH: If Saddam Hussein does not fully disarm, for the safety of our people and for the peace of the world, we will lead a coalition to disarm him. ANNOUNCER: Over two decades, they had served three presidents and argued for one big idea: that the United States must project its power and influence throughout the world. This is the story of how they set out to change American foreign policy in the days immediately after the tragedy of September 11th.

The War Report Cnn Download NotepadsThe War Report Cnn Download Notepad

KENNETH POLLACK, Former National Security Council Staff: And it does seem very clear that this group seized upon the events of September 11th to resurrect their policy of trying to go after Saddam Hussein and a regime change in Iraq. Driver 2 Cheat Codes Pc here. ANNOUNCER: And what happened behind closed doors to convince the president. KAREN DeYOUNG, 'The Washington Post': Condi Rice describes it almost as a lightbulb going off inside the president's head.

Now it's time to turn back to Iraq.' ANNOUNCER: Tonight on FRONTLINE, the inside story of why the president of the United States seems so determined to go to war with Iraq. NARRATOR: The president and his cabinet have gathered for a war council at Camp David. Wirecast Mac Serial Keygen Freeware.

It is four days after September 11th. There are strong opinions in the room. They will vie for the command-in-chief's attention and his approval. BUSH: I've asked the highest levels of our government to come to discuss the current tragedy that has so deeply affected our nation. NARRATOR: They all want to even the score with Usama bin Laden. BUSH: There is no question he is what we would call a prime suspect.

NARRATOR: But some of them had another immediate target: Saddam Hussein. KENNETH POLLACK, Former National Security Council Staff: From the first moments after September 11th, there was a group of people both inside the administration and out who believed that the war on terrorism should target Iraq-- in fact, should target Iraq first. They made Saddam Hussein out to be the greatest threat to the United States and the source of all evil, if not in the world, then certainly in the Middle East. And they were pushing very early on to make Iraq the first stop in the war on terrorism. NARRATOR: But from the beginning, they would face strong opposition from the secretary of state, Colin Powell.

From Vietnam to the top military job at the Pentagon and in a number of powerful posts at the highest levels of government, Powell represents the establishment's abiding belief in containing foreign enemies. Colin Powell 1958 City College of NY BS 1962 Vietnam -- two tours 1988 National Security Adviser 1989 Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff 2001 Secretary of State ELAINE SCIOLINO, 'The New York Times': In simple terms, it's Secretary of State Colin Powell on one side and a group in the Pentagon, basically led by the deputy defense secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, on the other side. Paul Wolfowitz 1965 Cornell BA 1970 Yale Faculty 1977 Defense Department 1981 State Department 1986 Ambassador to Indonesia 1989 Undersecretary of Defense 2001 Deputy Secretary of Defense NARRATOR: Paul Wolfowitz built a career as a smart and tough hard-liner at the State and Defense Departments. Wolfowitz champions the idea of preemption: striking first to defend America and to project its values.

EVAN THOMAS, Asst. Managing Editor, 'Newsweek' Within the Bush administration, there's arguably only one strategic thinker, and it's not the secretary of state. It's not Colin Powell. The one strategic thinker is Paul Wolfowitz, who's the number two man at defense.

He thinks, the way Kissinger does, in geo-global strategic terms. And the way-- and he's pretty hawkish, and in his book, if you don't deal with Iraq, you can have coalitions until you're blue in the face, but they're not going to do you any good. ELAINE SCIOLINO: Colin Powell has said over the years that Saddam Hussein is like a toothache, and it recurs from time to time and you just have to live with it. At other times, he's compared Saddam Hussein to a kidney stone that will eventually pass. But he has never said you have to operate and take out the kidney stone.