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Apollonii Pergaei Concirorum Libri Quattuor una cum Pappi Alexandrini Lemmatibus et Commentariis Eutocii Ascalonitae. Sereni Antinensis Philosophi Libri Duo Numc Primum in Lucem Editi Quae Omnia Nuper Fredericus Commandinus Mendis Quamplurimis Expurgata e Graeco convertit et Commentariis Illustravit. The Four Books of Apollonius' Conics, with Serenus of Antissa, the lemmas of Pappus and the Commentary of Eutocius.

Download Varahamihira Astrology Software

Latin translation of Fredericus Commandinus. Bologna, 1566.

MyKundali generates Vedic astrology birth chart (also called Horoscope, Kundli or Kundali) with various other astrological details.

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Dupuis, French introduction and translation. [Google Books] Exposition des connaissances mathematiques utiles pour la lecture de platon. Mathematics Useful for Understanding Plato. Virginia Hipp Program Ga. Dupuis, French introduction and translation.

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